Stories about Paul


  1. I remember watching old movies with dad such as Top Hat. Sometimes willingly sometimes "willingtold". I have some fond memories with dad watching these movies and dad explaining some of the back story behind the movie and because of dads passion for these movies and wanting us to watch them with him I know what the "soft shoe" is in tap. I don't know anything else about tap dancing but that, now I can't dance it just recognize the step. Dad thanks for the lesson in tap.

  2. Dad was a good story teller. He loved telling stories about growing up in Canesaraga. I used to sit with him for hours listening to him talk about his childhood home. He described it so well that a few years later when I visited after high school I was able to find his house out of the rest of the houses on the street.

  3. This morning as I was driving into to work I started thinking about how Dad and I used to butt head a lot while I was growing up. we would get into arguments and ninety-nine times out of one hundred dad was right and I was wrong. but every now and then I would be right about something. When Dad would realize it he would turn to me and in his deep baritone would say, "Well, son I guess I'M the asshole."

    I thought about that this morning and it made me laugh out loud.
